Thursday, September 17, 2009

ctrl-alt-del (part II)

Three easy steps to throw that useless other half out of your system! Refresh your life!

1. Ctrl – Take charge. Realize that you are in control of your life, your decisions, and your heart. Take control.

2. Alt - Alter your mindset. Alter your lifestyle. Alter everything that you know makes your heart skip a beat. Use step 1 while implementing rule 2. For example, when you get a whiff of that perfume you know so well, stop breathing. (You could just walk away, but the first is more entertaining for those around you.)

3. Del – Delete the bastard(s) from your life. Del everything that reminds you of them. Del, del, del. Throw it in the garbage, burn it, donate it. Never buy anything that would make you relapse to your previous lifestyle.

These three simple, easy to follow rules will help you be happier, look sexier and get back to your life. Do what you’ve been trying to do for months, or maybe even years – avoid that heartburn. Give your heart a rest. Follow the cntrl-alt-del steps, and shed those extra pounds!


Galaxy Hydrangea said...

Oh I love this one Shibs!

Sushain said...

Noice.. i likes, both parts =)

es.en. said...

Thank you, thank you. :) *bows

A said...

Old story....

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