Tuesday, March 03, 2009

Bell the cat, won't you, Eyes?

The mice all sat in gloom one day
For the cat wouldn’t bell, try as they may.
They tried and they tried, but the cat got away.
It seemed as if the cat knew! what plans they had made.
A mouse called Fay,
She was small and gay.
She was wise beyond her ears,
But all of them knew nay.
All she said was try and try
Till the cheese melts and the milk curdles
We shall not give up, jump over the hurdles.
They tried once, they tried again,
The cat wouldn’t bell! Oh it was such pain.
The mice couldn’t play, they couldn’t be merry.
For the cat was as sly as… well, as a cat on a ferry!
A mouse called Eyes, he was small and shy.
He had tried once, he had tried again.
He had given up, oh it was such a pain!
But when all of the mice had tried and failed,
Eyes, the mouse, he heard Fay speak
He took a chance and a bell, and without a squeak,
This time he tied the ribbon around the cat’s tail.
and lo and behold! He did prevail.
The mice could play, and the mice were merry
Because they kept trying, they found a way to be happy!


eLmoNiv said...

Whoooaaaa!!!!!!!!! I smile a wide grin, and people around me think I'm crazy..Oh, well.. :D

Abhishek jain said...

That made me remember my CAT exam.Unfortunately I cudnt even tie a ribbon to the tail :P
Nice one...Well Written!!

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