Monday, July 31, 2006

A moment of contemplation

Its funny, how death can change everything.. and sometimes, it can change nothing.
The death of a friend you had 6 years ago, can affect you for a day.. but it won’t for long. You move on in life, and lizards falling on you get more priority. The death of a stranger can affect you for like, five minutes, and then what? How long can you grieve for someone you haven’t even seen?
How long can you grieve for something that was never yours?
A relationship.. a friendship, a sisterhood, a closeness. What was, what might have been, what you gave up that could have been better. Life goes on. You find comfort in others, more importantly, in yourself. In hope.
Death, be it of whatever, can mark a full stop on someone’s life, a comma on others’. And sometimes, you can choose to move on, to not let it affect you.
If you can overcome the disappointment of a hope dashed, and have the strength to make space for hope again in your heart(not necessarily of the hope dashed).. is that wise? Is it the mark of a strong character or a simply foolish one? Is it not better to spare oneself the agony of going through disappointment again? Now that would be “learning from your mistakes”. But then that would also be a very bland, dull existence, won’t it? Hope is that tugging at your heart that makes you look forward to a new day, that makes you do good. You hope that your friend will like your present, so you get them something really good. You hope that you’d make a difference to someone, so you try to help them out. You hope that you’ll have a shoulder to cry on when you really need one, and that makes you hope for everlasting love and security and friendships.You hope that you can someday reciprocate all that you got, and that makes you be nice to your family, and everyone you care about. How can you not have hope?

*sigh* how clueless can one be?

1 comment:

es.en. said...

not at all.. my pleasure :)

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