Sunday, March 08, 2009

I was dreaming, so I couldn't be snoring, right?

There was rain, and there was snow. How could they be falling together? I looked up with wondrous awe. Ah, but that was part of the charm.
Sun. There was a bicycle. An old lady on a bicycle, riding very very fast. Almost like roadrunner. Except this was on the green lush hills of Missouri. Or was it the Great Wall of China? She left behind a very slow, very confused old man also on a bicycle. She was having too much fun to look back.
My sister was getting married. I could hear everyone just outside. Why is the room full of suitcases? My stuff is here somewhere, if only I could find it. My mother calls. Wait, don’t start without me!
My tooth fell out. Not easily. It dangled on a hook for some time, then popped out. I smiled at the mirror. Oh no, there’s a gaping hole that shows!!

A man in a bright yellow suit. Now why would anyone wear a yellow suit AND be singing on stage? At first it made me smile, and I wanted to laugh, but I was too timid to. Besides, there were so many people around me, strangers. Where did they come from? How did the man in the yellow suit end up on screen? Everyone was laughing. I tried hard not to. But I couldn’t not. I ended up laughing too much.
None of it makes sense, I hardly ever do. But I woke up with a smile, and went out of the house in a good mood and a hurry.
Wait, is that rain? And is that snow? I need an umbrella.
I need to wake up.

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