Monday, April 16, 2012

I spy
with my little eye

Your twenties is the decade for self discovery, making friends, discovering truths and building relationships that will last forever.
You know what happens in the 20s? You sidetrack friends continuously, for that "better half". You discover a few truths and your head swells till you can't fit it through the door of most people's hearts. Everyone around you is inadequate and mediocre. You want to do everything, indeed you can do everything, but how? Its not possible, because the world just isn't good enough for you!

Is this what is called a quarter life crisis, I wonder? Or maybe its just too much stress and lack of sleep. In any case, I'm getting tired of this shit.

Tuesday, April 03, 2012

Disillusionment is a strong word. Everyone tends to go through it once; you put someone on a pedestal, willingly or not - a friend, a lover or a parent. Then you watch in wonder as the pedestal breaks under the weight of your expectations. This can lead to two things though. The person could come crashing down and leave you wondering why you put them there in the first place, or you find that they now stand on solid ground and you can see the real beauty of their flaws and the true colour of their eyes. 

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