Tuesday, April 03, 2012

Disillusionment is a strong word. Everyone tends to go through it once; you put someone on a pedestal, willingly or not - a friend, a lover or a parent. Then you watch in wonder as the pedestal breaks under the weight of your expectations. This can lead to two things though. The person could come crashing down and leave you wondering why you put them there in the first place, or you find that they now stand on solid ground and you can see the real beauty of their flaws and the true colour of their eyes. 

1 comment:

Unknown said...

so true.. i was told that the MRIs of a heroin addict and a delusional person in love (with a person, an idea, a cat) look the same.. but with time come clarity and disillusionment.. and the realization that there is a certain beauty in all our imperfections..

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