Thursday, April 23, 2009

Bus Stop

There's the one on the phone all the time.

Then there's the one with the mirror in her hand, fixing her lip gloss as she waits.

The one with the ipod pretending the world doesnt matter.

The one in shorts on a windy day, shivering his ass off.

The one eating chips for breakfast.

And the one who almost misses the bus, in a huff and a puff.

The snob, the friendly face, the smile, the glare.

The loner, the group, the couple, the crowd.

The one who doesn't know where he's going,

and the one who doesn't want to find out.

Which one are you?


Velu said...

the iphone guy, because in the end even the iphone doesn't matter. :)

Shibani said...

Deep! :)

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