Wave the flags, and drop the anchor,
Fire the flare gun, and shout SOS
What’s right is now wrong,
It doesn’t make sense,
I’m in la la land, and something’s amiss.
It’s a mole hill, a mountain
On my face,
Oh what a situation,
What a terrible disgrace!!
Its pink and puss,
And full of disgust.
It spoiled all my plans!
It didn’t like my life in la la land.
The uninvited guest,
If I know what’s best
I won’t preen and prune
Or sulk or brood.
I’ll just watch it, obsessed
For days on end,
Till it decides to say goodbye
With a friendly bend
And departs with satisfaction,
at a job done well.
And leaves a small reminder
Of my days in cosmetic hell.
Yet, this small interruption
In my world of deception
Won’t deter me in the least
As I go back where it’s clean,
And glowy and smooth.
My friends, toodle doo!
Till my hormones come back
to a “normal” stand,
I’m going back to la la land!